Hello there! You must be a friend of one of our current campers! We are excited about you potentially joining our camp family next summer. Please feel free to look around our website to answer any questions, or simply call the person who recommended you to us.
If you click on the link at the bottom of the page, you will be able to register your camper for the summer of 2024. This link will be live beginning September 11 at noon. Registration for the general public will begin on September 13th. (Please be aware that this is a "hidden" page, so you will have to type www.ridgecrestcamps.com/friend/ into your browser to get back to this page.)
So please take advantage of these special two days we have set aside for friends of current Ridgecrest and Crestridge families. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us at 800-968-1630 or rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com.