Summer Staff Members

Cade Bright

CounselorNew Staff

This will be Cade's first summer at Ridgecrest! He is a student at Gardner-Webb University.

What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't had the chance to yet?

Sky Diving for sure

With 4 years to train, what Olympic sport could you most likely medal in?

Most likely track if I got lucky on a relay. Other than track, maybe soccer if I rode the bench

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?

Sushi, easily so versatile

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Showing kids how Christ can truly change their lives for the better

What is your prayer for the summer?

That God works in a way that only He can and that all the campers have an amazing experience in a Christian community and stay safe.