Summer Staff Members

Lilly Harvey

PhotographerNew Staff

This will be Lilly's first summer here at Ridgecrest. She attends NC State University.

If you could be an expert in any field, what would it be?

Def Cornhole

If you could bring 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?

Fishing pole, pillow, and fire starter

What is your favorite form of potato?


What are you most excited for this summer?

Super excited to capture the joy of the Lord through these boys! So hype for all the friendships, growth, and spiritual fulfillment that will come out of this summer!

What is your prayer for the summer?

My prayer for this summer is that we would all grow in our relationships with the Lord and tangibly see the faithfulness of the Lord through every interaction/experience. Super expectant to see God move in incredible ways this summer!