Summer Staff Members

Nathan McKissick

Mountain Biking DirectorNew Staff

This will be Nathan's first summer here at Ridgecrest. He attends Milligan University.

If you could be an expert in any field, what would it be?

If I could be an expert in any field I would choose to be an expert in the sport of cycling. Meaning an expert at strategic racing.

If you could bring 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?

I would bring a Machete, a bundle of paracord, and a tarp

What is your favorite form of potato?

My favorite form of potato is a classic stuffed potato.

What are you most excited for this summer?

I’m most excited to get to know the many amazing people I believe God will send my way over the course of the summer, as well as to get to walk my walk with Christ alongside so many like minded individuals.

What is your prayer for the summer?

I pray that we as a camp community can help eachother to strive in our walks with Christ and uplift each other throughout this summer to have the best summer we can.