Summer Staff Members

Tabb Wilhite


Tabb was started at camp as a camper. This will be his 4th summer on staff. He has served as a Turtleback counselor(2021-2022) and as a Pisgah counselor (2023). This year he will be back on the trails as a Pisgah counselor.

If you could be an expert in any field, what would it be?

Probably Art History, I would love to just know random facts about any piece of art I see

If you could bring 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?

I would probably bring a whole lot of paint and canvases, maybe a Baja blast, and a nice hammock

What is your favorite form of potato?

I love some classic mashed potatoes with a lot of butter and sour cream

What are you most excited for this summer?

To be in nature and to learn about and pursue God next to some awesome guys

What is your prayer for the summer?

That God will reveal himself to every camper and counselor in huge ways and that lifelong friendships centered around God are cultivated every day